
What are debentures? Meaning, Types, and Advantages

Debentures are a type of debt instrument that companies use to raise capital. They are essentially loans that are taken out by a company from investors, with a promise to pay back the principal amount along with interest at a specified date in the future.

These are a popular form of financing for companies as they offer a fixed rate of return (similar to fixed deposits) to investors and do not dilute the ownership of the company. In this article, we will explore the meaning of debentures, the different types of debentures, and the advantages they offer to both companies and investors.

What are Debentures?

Debentures are a type of debt instrument that companies issue to raise funds from investors. They are essentially a loan taken out by the company, with a promise to pay back the principal amount along with interest at a specified date in the future.

If you’re wondering how debentures are different from shares, the answer is that they do not give the holder any ownership rights in the company. Instead, they are a form of long-term borrowing for the company, with a fixed rate of return for the investor.

Types of Debentures

There are several types of debentures that companies can issue, depending on their needs and the preferences of investors. Some of the most common types of debentures include:

Secured Debentures

Secured debentures are backed by the assets of the company, which act as collateral for the loan. In case the company is unable to pay back the debentures, the assets can be sold to repay the investors.

Unsecured Debentures

Unsecured debentures, also known as “naked debentures”, are not backed by any collateral. They are riskier for investors, as they have no guarantee of repayment in case the company defaults.

Convertible Debentures

Convertible debentures give the holder the option to convert their debentures into shares of the company at a predetermined price. This allows investors to benefit from any potential increase in the company’s stock price.

Non-Convertible Debentures

Non-convertible debentures cannot be converted into shares and are paid back to investors in cash at maturity.

Compulsory Convertible Debentures

Compulsory convertible debentures (CCDs) are a type of debenture where the conversion into shares is mandatory. This means that the debentures will automatically convert into shares at a predetermined date, regardless of the company’s stock price.

Advantages of Debentures

Debentures offer several advantages to both companies and investors. Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of debentures.

Fixed Rate of Return

Debentures offer a fixed rate of return to investors, which is predetermined at the time of issuance. This provides investors with a sense of security, as they know exactly how much they will earn from their investment.

No Dilution of Ownership

Unlike shares, debentures do not dilute the ownership of the company. This means that the existing shareholders do not have to give up a portion of their ownership in the company to raise funds through debentures.

Flexible Repayment Options

Companies have the flexibility to choose the repayment terms for debentures, such as the interest rate, maturity date, and frequency of interest payments. This allows them to tailor the debentures to their specific financial needs.

Tax Benefits

Interest paid on debentures is tax-deductible for companies, which can help reduce their overall tax liability. This makes debentures an attractive form of financing for companies.

Diversification for Investors

Investing in debentures allows investors to diversify their portfolio and reduce their overall risk. This is because debentures offer a fixed rate of return, which is not affected by the fluctuations in the stock market.

How to Invest in Debentures

Investing in debentures can be done through various channels, such as:

Directly from the Company

Companies can issue debentures directly to investors through a private placement. This is usually done for large institutional investors, such as banks and insurance companies.

Through the Stock Market

Debentures can also be bought and sold on the stock market, just like shares. This allows individual investors to invest in debentures and benefit from their fixed rate of return.

Through Mutual Funds

Investors can also invest in debentures through mutual funds, which offer a diversified portfolio of debentures from different companies. This allows investors to benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers and reduce their risk.


Debentures are a popular form of financing for companies, as they offer a fixed rate of return to investors and do not dilute the ownership of the company. They come in various types, such as secured, unsecured, convertible, and non-convertible, and offer several advantages to both companies and investors.

Investing in debentures can be done directly from the company, through the stock market, or through mutual funds. As with any investment, it is important to carefully consider the risks and do thorough research before investing in debentures.

By understanding the meaning, types, and advantages of debentures, you can make informed decisions about whether they are the right investment option for you.

Anupam Kundu
A professional blogger and an IT freak. The atypical combo of a Civil Service aspirant and a Tech enthusiast.