~Simryta Sridharan
“Education is not just preparation life, Education is life itself”
The essence of quality education is unmatched and irreplaceable. It is the duty of the parents to provide their children proper education from the early stages of their life.
Pre-schools, Schools, Colleges and then Universities- the list continues. Yet, the basic part of imparting education to the students always rests with the schools.
Thus, selecting the best education board before admitting the child in the school is very crucial. We understand that it is very hard to choose the best, given there are so many boards.
But don’t worry. We are here to help you choose the best for your child. Because there can be no doubt that selecting a board for schooling equals selecting the path to success in life.
Here are the 15 Best Education Boards in India:
- CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations)
- CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)
- NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling)
- CIE (Cambridge International Examinations)
- Andhra Pradesh Board of Education
- Kerala State Education Board
- West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
- Puducherry Board of Education
- Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary and Higher Education
- Tamil Nadu State Board
- International Baccalaureate
Table of Contents
Beginning the list of best education boards in India, undoubtedly at the top, we have the Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) board.
There is a reason for that. The board gives vast exposure to the students as it is recognized worldwide. The curricula adopted by the ICSE board includes all areas of equal significance and is far more detailed. ICSE is ideal if the student wishes to opt for a foreign university for higher education.
Its vast syllabi makes the students future ready. The program followed by CISCE is more fascinating and challenging to learners with a background in management and also the humanities, let alone fruitful.
Moreover it widens the student’s perspective making creating various opportunities for them. The Indian Certificate for Secondary Education certification is recognized worldwide, specifically by international colleges and universities.
Because of the prime focus on English in the CISCE, students from such boards will score significantly higher in exams like TOEFL compared to other students. On the whole, CISCE is the future of education in India.
Second in the list of best education boards in India is the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The board trains students of classes I to XII for competitive screening.
Moreover, it promotes access to the world’s top schools. Most of the school students in India opt for CBSE. This proves that this board is widespread all over the nation. The syllabi in this board are updated frequently and are mostly practical.
Project based learning is adapted which highly encourages the students to learn and think in an innovative manner. CBSE delivers technological advancements in teaching-learning techniques by means of student-friendly and student-centric modes of thought.
It frames different policies in assessment and appraisal activities. It focuses on skills and knowledge based on training by jobs and work-linked inputs.
NIOS is yet another education board with the motive of providing literacy for every class of students. It enrolls about 3,50,000 students a year, making it the largest open schooling in the world.
It provides education for everyone regardless of their age which thereby increases the literacy rate of the nation.
NIOS is free from usual regulations followed by normal schools and education boards. Thus it provides freedom to learn a lot for students who are pursuing in this board. Students who are studying for entrance exams generally opt to complete their intermediate classes with NIOS as their mode of training.
It is one of those boards where the students start studying for their competitive examinations from class X. Thus they have plenty of time to prepare and focus on the competitive exam(s) that they want to apply for.
This is why NIOS is one of the most favorite boards among students and ranks third in the list of best education boards in India.
CIE originates from the UK, providing vast exposure to the students worldwide. Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) is a supplier of global qualifications and of examinations for 10,000 schools across over 160 countries.
The syllabus encourages research oriented studies which lures students towards knowledge. The syllabus is structured in a way such that it gives in depth knowledge in only selected topics rather than covering a number of topics.
Many top universities across the world as well as in India have accepted the best boards such as the Cambridge International Examinations.

Founded in 1953, APBE serves as a separate entity within the education department of Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Pradesh Board of Education is a well-structured board that makes students ready to face entrance examinations of institutes such as IIT, IIM, NIT, and other olympiad exams.
As a result, they make the students future ready. In Andhra Pradesh State, the board governs and oversees the system of secondary education. It performs and manages numerous activities including study course creation, curriculum prescribing, assessments and the granting of approval to schools.
Furthermore, it supervises, supports and manages all secondary schools under its competence.
The Kerala State Education Board is an education board in Kerala that carries out class X exams or SSLC exams for all associated colleges and grants the SSLC certificate to the students who pass it.
The Board is liable for administering class X exams for all affiliated schools.
KSEB is one of the best education boards across the nation. The literacy rate in the state is 94% which clearly portrays that the majority of Keralites are educated.
The system provides 10 years of school education and 2 years of Higher Secondary Education in science, commerce and liberal arts. There can be no doubt that the KSEB is one of the best boards in India.
The West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or WBBSE is an independent education body and the state government administers it.
Students who want to pursue art or language as their major can opt the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
The system is structured and planned strategically according to the needs of language studies. It is the responsibility of this board to carry out the Class X examinations.
The West Bengal Board of Secondary Education is also called the Madhyamik Board of West Bengal.
Puducherry Board of Education provides quality education to the students.
In addition, they also provide perks that include food, scholarship, financial assistance and so on for the students who belong to the Below Poverty Line (BPL).
Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary and Higher Education stands unique among other state boards because they follow one of the most trusted syllabus in India, the NCERT.
Nearly 60 lakhs students appear for the board exams in this board per year.
This specific board administers all exams in the high schools as well as in the middle schools.
The Board seeks to ensure that quality education in Uttar Pradesh is preserved. It is also recognized as one of the oldest boards in the world.
With the view of providing education to everyone, the Tamil Nadu government introduced ‘midday meal’ scheme in government schools.
Apart from that the Tamil Nadu State Board also provides lots of other pre-requisites for the students so that they can read. However, it cannot be compared to the other top boards, mainly the ICSE or the CBSE.
The International Baccalaureate offers coaching to students between 3 and 19 years of age. It consists of four programs, aimed at educating students to think objectively and independently.
Also, they are taught on how to inquire about treatment and reasoning. In a world where facts and fiction combine into news, the IB is training students to achieve their success, and answer the questions that are critical to their prosperity long after their degree in the program.
In more than 5000 schools worldwide, students are assisted by the IB teachers and coordinators who establish and encourage the IB curriculum in around 150 countries.
The International Baccalaureate program provides 2 years diploma programs which are officially recognized in India. The study methods in this board are based more on application and research.

There are more than 70 subjects offered by the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). Students must take at least 5 to 14 subjects at their own discretion.
The subjects IGCSE include are first language, second language , Mathematics and any other which the students are free to choose from science, technology or social sciences.
The students can also select additional topics ranging from social science (usually accounting, economics, socio-technology) to arts & technology (usually computer sciences, ICT, art & design). As this board originates from Cambridge, it is recognized worldwide.
The biggest advantage here is that the students are given the freedom to choose their subjects and combinations.
JKSBSE believes that education should associate privately to the growth of potentialities of the younger generation, to the national wants, and to the aspirations of the civilization. It promotes talent.
It also encourage equal opportunities by offering the facilities required. JKSBSE, in particular, supports to boost the state living conditions and competitiveness and ensures that people engage actively and enthusiastically in a democratic process.
For several years the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board have been carrying out the Gujarat State Examination.
The key duty of the Gujarat Secondary Board is to develop a high-school curriculum and find the correct textbooks for all state and private schools under its jurisdiction, covering the completeness of the curriculum.
The GSEB is also responsible for tasks such as assessing the performance of schools that have already been licensed, inspecting schools in Gujarat and affiliating new schools to its GSEB board.
Last but not least in the list of best education boards in India, comes the Goa Board of Secondary Education. This board undertakes exams of class X and class XII. It is one of the main state boards which the students of Goa prefer.
These were the 15 best education boards in India. To sum up, it can be said that one may choose whatever education board we feel suitable for us.
But what matters is the dedication and hard work. Every student out there must use this lockdown as a head start.
They must gain deeper knowledge in their subjects, because the traditional method of just memorizing and writing the examination is going to disappear soon.
Thus, not only do the students have to study but also make some efforts to know about the subjects in-depth, beyond the textbook.
Hi Simryta
As your appa I very proud to say that my daughter has done this work though I am not so good in English writing but my daughter has doing well in this subject. And I am very proud dear daughter.
In this article, author has described the different boards of education system in a simple and accessible mamner. This article will stand useful to students who pursue higher studies. I am quite impressed with this article.